Detergent Industry Enzymes
Chemically made Detergents cause hazardous effects on the environment while Enzymes used in detergents can cater to similar results without harming the environment. We have designed biodegradable enzymes to be gentle on the planet but tough on stains. They are both efficient and effective, excelling in a short cycle, low temperature washes to ensure detergents deliver sustainable cleaning with no compromises.
Enzymes in detergent industry not onluy improves the level of cleaning but also are an enviromental friendly alternative.

Benefits of Detergent Industry Enzymes
- 1 Enzymes are eco friendly and biodegradable.
- 2 Enzyme based detergents are more efficient.
- 3 Enzyme based detergents are non-corrosives, safe, cost-effective.
- 4 High activity and stability in alkaline pH range.
- 5 Broad substrate specificity.
- 6 Compatible with oxidizing agents, chelating agents, and surfactant.
Cleanzyme-A is an amylase enzyme preparation that removes starch-based foods like potatoes, spaghetti, custards, gravies, and chocolates.
Cleanzyme-C is an alkaline cellulase enzyme preparation that restores a smooth surface to the fibre and restores the garment to its original colour brightness.
Cleanzyme-L is a lipase enzyme preparation that removes fatty stains such as fats, butter, salad oil, sauces cosmetic, and the tough stains on collars and cuffs.
Cleanzyme–P is an alkaline protease enzyme preparation that removes protein stains such as grass, blood, egg, and human sweat.
Cleanzyme-M contains mannanase enzyme which is an innovative detergent enzyme that does what other enzymes cannot do: removes stubborn stains containing mannan gums such as chocolate ice cream, chocolate pudding, fruit sorbet, milkshake, salad dressing.
Cleanmultizyme is a multi-enzyme preparation containing amylase, cellulase, protease, and lipase. It removes starch-based foods, dirt particles, protein stains, and fatty stains respectively.
Cleanmultizyme is a multi-enzyme preparation containing amylase, cellulase, protease, and lipase. It removes starch-based foods, dirt particles, protein stains, and fatty stains respectively. It contains a special Mannanase enzyme that removes stubborn stains containing mannan gums.
Cleanmultizyme is a multi-enzyme preparation containing amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase, and pectinase enzymes. It removes starch-based foods, dirt particles, protein stains, fatty stains, and plant-based stains respectively. It contains a special Mannanase enzyme that removes stubborn stains containing mannan gums.