Animal Feed Enzymes
Animal feed for cattle and farm animals is an expensive and laborious affair. Enzyme supplements can improve animal health, increase their digestive capacity, and prevent digestive disturbances. Animal feed enzymes are a cheaper and faster way to increase the feed conversion ratio, increase production, and create better and healthier feed efficiency.
For over 12 years, our range of feed enzymes has helped livestock producers reduce their feed costs and improve their animals’ health with antibiotic-free and eco-friendly sustainable production.
EFEzyme is a blend of fibrinolytic enzymes xylanase, cellulase, hemicellulase, and beta-glucanase that hydrolyze a broad range of Non-Starch Polysaccharides [NSPs] and other anti-nutritive or poorly digestible constituents.
- 1 Fibre degrading animal feed enzyme.
- 2 Improving the digestibility of feed that contains cereals and vegetables.
EFEzyme Plus has all that EFEzyme dose, with the addition of Probiotic Bacteria. The fibrinolytic probiotics bacteria is responsible for the degradation of the plant cell wall in the rumen, while probiotics fungi produce a broad array of enzymes that help in a wider range of fibre digestion of animal feed.
- 1 Fiber degrading animal feed enzyme with probiotic bacteria.
- 2 Overall enhance animal feed digestion.